Taller Sister Stories

  1. Taller Little Sister Growing Stories
  2. Tall Sister Stories
  3. Taller Little Sister Growth Stories Wordpress
  4. My Taller Younger Sister Stories

I was about 11 at this time, I was short for my age while Carla was quite tall. I was only 2 inches taller than Carla, who was about 3 years younger than me. When we see each other, I would run up to Carla and give her a big hug, lift her up, carry her around the house, and then throw her on the floor. The post describes the son as depressed, and that he and his sister occasionally get into fights and that she is stronger “and can hurt my older son.” The second case from answers.yahoo.com involves a 16 year old boy, 5-5, and his 14 year old sister, six feet. The parent writes that.



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Posted in Strong girls (girls only!!) on 2007-11-20 21:58:41
Taller Sister Stories

My little sister is 2 years younger than me. I was 12 years old and my sister was 10. We were both quite short, my sister being 4'3 and me being 4'7. I was a good 4 inches taller than my little sister. Unlike my sister, I wasn't into many sports. My sister loved almost any sport but mostly gymnastics. She was a good weight for her height, while I am very skinny for my height. Still, we were both one of the 3 shortest kids in our classes.

Taller Little Sister Growing Stories

About a year later in 2005, my little sister turned 11. I was already 13 by then. My little sister had grown 4 inches in that one year while I only grew 2 inches! I was 4'9 and my little sister was 4'7! She was growing at about twice the rate I was growing. My little sister was really enjoying this because she is 2 inches taller than me in her 4 inch heels. She really loved being able to look down to her older brother and feeling like she was superior. I was getting worried that one day she'd be taller than me without heels.

Even though she was catching up to my height, I was still superior in strength. We both love to wrestle for fun and I would always win, but she still puts up a pretty tough match. Both of us are about the same weight even though I'm taller than her and we couldn't lift each other up for more than 4 seconds. In arm wrestling, I would easily pin her arm to the ground. This made me feel a lot better about me still being superior to her.

Tall Sister Stories

Before I knew it, 5 months passed and it was summer vacation, and my dad and I went to Maine to visit my aunt and uncle while my mom and my little sister stayed home. I got to skip the last two weeks of school for this vacation. When I finally came back in August, my sister ran up to me and gave me a big hug. I noticed something disturbing. We both saw that my little sister was the same height as me! When we measured each other, both of us turned out to be 5'0.

Later that week, we were bored and went outside to our backyard to play catch with the football. As we were playing, I overthrew the football and it got stuck in one of the trees in our yard. It was out of reach for the both of us so I told my sister 'Get on my shoulders. Maybe you can reach it if I put you on my shoulders.' She agreed and I bent down for her to get on my shoulders. As soon as she got on, I stood back up but I was wobbling around and eventually fell.A few minutes later, after trying every stick and pole we can find to get the football out of the tree, my sister finally said 'Here, let me try putting you on my shoulders. Maybe it'll work.' To me, that was the most ridiculous question I've heard since I was stronger than her and we were about the same weight but I couldn't do it. 'If I can't do it, what makes you think you can do it? Im stronger than you and even I couldn't do it.' A few minutes later, I gave in to her idea because we just about tried everything we saw. As soon as I got on her shoulders, she told me to get off. I told her 'See, if I told you you can't put me on your shoulders.' She told me that it was not because she couldn't support my weight, but it was because I was pulling her hair when I got on. She convinced me to let her try again. So when I got on to her shoulders, she stood up and did not wobble. I was extremely shocked and speechless. I couldn't believe that she could lift me up and I couldn't lift her up. She walked over to the tree and I smacked the football off the little spot where it got stuck between the trunk and the branch. This took about 2 minutes, but she still diddn't lose balance or fall. When I finally got off, my little sister said 'Wow, your really light! I bet I could lift let you sit on my shoulders all day! How much do you weigh?' I told my sister I weighed 105 pounds even though I really weighed 92 pounds, but I diddn't want to embarrass myself. She laughed and told me that she was way heavier than me and weighed 115 pounds.

Taller Little Sister Growth Stories Wordpress

It was very believable that she was 23 pounds heavier than me. My little sister was eating about twice the amount I ate during meals and was always eating a bag of chips or drinking soda when she does her homework. Her arms, legs, thighs, and feet were all larger than mine. I was really worried that she might be stronger than me, so to prove it I asked her if she wanted to arm wrestle. She agreed and put a tight grip on my hand.'1, 2, 3, GO'About 4 seconds later, my arm was pinned to the table. My fear had come true that one day she'd be stronger than me. We had a little 'strength contest' in the living room later on. We took turns trying to lift each other up. I wrapped my arms around her large body and I lifted her about 2 inches off the ground and dropped her. She just laughed at how weak I am. She wrapped her arms around my 'little' body (according to what she said when she did it) and picked me up fast and effortlessly. She put me on her shoulders and walked around the room for about 5 minutes like that. She said 'Hmm.. I wonder if I can do this..'She put me on the floor with my back lying against the ground and knelt down. She slid her arms under my back and lifted me up over her head! About an hour later, I found out she can lift me up in just about every possible way. Fireman's, cradle, bear hug, piggyback, over the shoulder, and even over head!

Today, she is 12 and I am 14. I am now 5'3 and 109 pounds while she is 5'6 and 132 pounds. She is way taller, heavier, and stronger than me and still does lots of sports and stays fit. On the plus side, she isn't so braggy about it. She seems pretty cool about it but still likes to overpower me in wrestling.

Posted in Who's stronger - Guys or girls? on 2007-11-19 02:35:28

Men are stronger than girls in a lot of cases. Though, before boys reach the age of 15 or so, girls are usually way stronger. Most boys sit around and play video games, while girls go out and do sports like gymnastics. Though, not all boys sit around and play games. The ones that go out and play a lot are usually stronger than girls. Girls tend to grow faster and sooner than boys physically, making them bigger or taller than boys. When boys reach the age of 15, it is clear they are stronger. They have loads more muscle and are a lot bigger than they were when they were 12.

Posted in Are Girls stronger than boys on 2007-11-19 02:15:19

Well, girls can be stronger than boys. It depends on the person, but I'd think that most girls are stronger than boys. My little sister is stronger AND taller than me! She is 6 inches taller than me and can lift me up like a feather. Its pretty embarrassing because Im a guy, but I guess its just genetics that made her so much taller and stronger than me. Im sure there are lots of girls stronger boys while there are also lots of boys stronger than girls. If they aren't equal, I'd say there are more girls stronger than boys than there are boys stronger than girls.

My Taller Younger Sister Stories

Hell, in my gym class at school, the gym teacher sometimes divides the teams for dodgeball as boys versuse girls. There are 4 more boys than there are girls, but the girls won 4 times while the boys won once.